< Previous20SYSTEMS SCAFFOLDSystems Scaffold is one of the simplest, most dynamic scaffold products ever developed. Its revolutionary design allows for easy adaptation to virtually any structure, inside and outside.PLEASE CONTACT FACTORY FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PRICING.Systems ScaffoldTube and Clamp ScaffoldTUBE AND CLAMP SCAFFOLDTube & Clamp Scaffold is easy to assemble and is adaptable to nearly all types of scaffold projects. Only four basic parts are needed for assembly, and quality steel construction help components maintain durability.4’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-4 10 lbs6’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-6 14 lbs8’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-8 18 lbs10’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-10 22 lbs12’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-12 26 lbs13’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-13 27 lbs14’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-14 30 lbs16’ TUBE W/ ENDS TC-16 30 lbsBASE PLATE W/ TUBE LOCK TC-B 3 lbsRATCHET WRENCH TC-R 2 lbsSWIVEL CLAMP (EYE bolt) TC-ES 4 lbsRIGID CLAMP (EYE bolt) TC-ER 3 lbsRIGID PARALLEL CLAMP RPTC 4 lbsHALF CLAMP (EYE bolt) w/ Stud & Wing Nut CST 1 lbs PLEASE CONTACT FACTORY FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PRICING.ADDITIONAL SCAFFOLDSYSTEMS AND TUBE & CLAMP21SHORING POST - ADJUSTABLE GALVANIZED5’9”-10’3” SHP-610 38 lbs6’6”-11’0” SHP-711 41 lbs8’8”-13’3” SHP-913 47 lbsSHORE HEADS4” J W/O STEM SHH-J4 6 lbs4” J W/4” STEM SHH-J4IC 6.5 lbs2-WAY 4” & 8” w/ 2 carriage bolts SHH-2W 9 lbsSHORINGSHORING POSTS & SHORE HEADS6’6”-11’0”H8’8”-13’3”HSHORE POST CAPACITIES (SAFETY FACTOR 2.5:1)6’7’8’9’10’11’12’13’6’6”-11’607056505230481043908’8”-13’3”52304810439039703550 SHORING FRAMES - 2 3/8” DIAMETER24” X 3’ WITH D LOCK F-FL23D 28 lbs24” X 4’ WITH D LOCK F-FL24D 38 lbs24” X 5’ WITH D LOCK F-FL25D 45 lbs24” X 6’ WITH D LOCK F-FL26D 57 lbs48” X 3’ WITH D LOCK F-FL43D 36 lbs48” X 4’ WITH D LOCK F-FL44D 48 lbs48” X 5’ WITH D LOCK F-FL45D 60 lbs48” X 6’ WITH D LOCK F-FL46D 72 lbsShoring PostShoring Frame24” W or 48” W3’H4’H5’H6’H22TRASH CHUTESCHUTE SECTION W/ CHAINS TRS-CH 38 lbsHOPPER TRS-IH 70 lbsGALVANIZED CHUTE LINER TRS-CL 34 lbsSHELBY WINCH HOIST (NO CABLE) TRS-WH75 14 lbsSHELBY WINCH/PULLEY STAND TRS-SPS 28 lbsLIFTING BAR TRS-LB 15 lbsLIFTING CHAINS SET TRS-LC 4 lbsCHUTE CHAINS SET (2) TRS-CC 4 lbsHOPPER SUPPORT LEG SET TRS-HSL 10 lbsSUPPORT FRAME TRS-SF 75 lbsOUTRIGGER TRS-OR 30 lbsSCREW JACK CLAMP TRS-SJC 25 lbsROOF CONNECTION SLEEVE 6’ TRS-RTCS6 38 lbsROOF EXTENSION ARM 6’ TRS-RTEA6 30 lbsROOF WEIGHT SUPPORT TRS-RTWS 42 lbsROOF TIE BACK 50’ TRS-RTTB 4 lbsROOF 50 LB COUNTER WEIGHT TRS-RTCW-S 50 lbsSLAB GUARDRAIL POST SLBGPTT 20 lbsSUPPORT TUBE 8’ TC-8NE 15 lbsSWIVEL CLAMP TC-ES 4 lbsSHELBY WINCH CABLE ASSEMBLY ¼” x 75’ WITH HOOK TRS-WCAJ 15 lbsNYLON ROPE 200’ TRS-NYR 2 lbsSUPPORT FRAME PKG PKG A 84 lbsWINDOW OUTRIGGER PKG PKG B1 110 lbsROOFTOP OUTRIGGER PKG PKG B2 288 lbsSCAFFOLD OUTRIGGER PKG PKG B3 96 lbsWINCH ASSEMBLY PKG PKG C1S 139 lbsTRASH CHUTESTRASH AND DEBRIS REMOVALIntermediate HopperTRS-IHIntake Throat 28” x 24”HopperChute Section With ChainsShelby Winch23DRYWALL CARTS 3000 lb capacity on all Drywall Carts. Includes Three swivel and one locking swivel non marking casters with plastic hubs. DRYWALL CART - BASIC 75126-01 75 lbs #3 DRYWALL CART 75121-01 86 lbs #4 DRYWALL CART 75124-01 86 lbs LO-RIDER DRYWALL CARTOur Lo-Rider drywall cart (DWC-LR) has a drop deck with a lower center of gravity for more stability. It comes standard with 4 removable handles and converts to a platform cart. Patent #D530,876Bed Dimensions: 38”x 12” Overall dimensions: 42” x 33”3000 lb capacity on all Drywall Carts. Includes Three swivel and one locking swivel non marking casters with plastic hubs. LO-RIDER DRYWALL CART 75122-01 84 lbs DRYWALL LIFTDRYWALL LIFT DWL-0 95 lbsDRYWALL EXTENSION DWL-EX-0 20 lbsExpands from 5’ - 11’. Lifts up to 15’ with optional extension. Adjustable rack holds up to 12’ long wallboard.#4 Drywall cart#3 Drywall cartLo-Rider Drywall CartDrywall LiftDRYWALL EQUIPMENTCARTS AND DRYWALL LIFTSDrywall cart - Basic24UTILITY SCAFFOLDSNAPPY6’ SNAPPY UTILITY SCAFFOLDSINGLE UNIT SP-6 145 lbsSINGLE UNIT WITH EXPANDED METAL DECK SP-6X 155 lbsSINGLE UNIT WITH GUARDRAIL SP-6G 235 lbsDOUBLE UNIT WITH GUARDRAIL AND OUTRIGGERS SP-6D 386 lbsTRIPLE UNIT WITH GUARDRAIL AND OUTRIGGERS SP-6TR 523 lbsADD ON UNITS (2 LADDERS, 2 BRACES)39” ADD ON SP-6AD3 75 lbs65” ADD ON SP-6AD6 92 lbsLADDER FRAMES39” LADDER FRAME SP-L39 15 lbs65” LADDER FRAME SP-L65 25 lbsGUARDRAIL 6’ GUARDRAIL SET SP-GRS6 90 lbsOUTRIGGERSNARROW PKG (4) SP-NORP 25 lbsWIDE PKG (4) SP-WORP 60 lbsWIDE BASE (EA) SP-WB 30 lbs5” CASTER SP-C5 5 lbsADJUSTABLE LEG WITH RUBBER PAD SP-ADJLEG 3 lbsPLATFORMS6’ PLYWOOD SP-P6 27 lbs6’ EXPANDED METAL SP-X6 30 lbs6’ HINGED PLYWOOD SP-PH6 40 lbs6’ PLATFORM ARM BRACE SP-B6 22 lbs8’ AND 10’ SNAPPY UNITS AVAILABLE.6’ Snappy Single Unit6’ Snappy Double Unit with Guardrail and Outriggers256’ INDY US UTILITY SCAFFOLDHALF HEIGHT UNIT 46”H INDY-406 129 lbsSINGLE UNIT 6’3”H INDY-606 149 lbsADD ON UNITS (2 LADDERS, 2 BRACES)40” ADD ON INDY-406AD 75 lbs 69” ADD ON INDY-606AD 96 lbsLADDER FRAMES40” LADDER FRAME INDY-L40 16 lbs 69” LADDER FRAME INDY-L69 26 lbsGUARDRAIL6’ W/ TOEBAORD INDY-GRT6 72 lbs6’ W/O TOEBOARD INDY-GRO6 64 lbs6’ SIDE PANEL INDY-GRS6 17 lbsEND PANEL INDY-GRE 15 lbs6’ TOEBOARD W/ CLIPS INDY-TB6 8 lbsTOEBOARD CLIP INDY-TBC 1 lbOUTRIGGERSOUTRIGGER SET (4) PKG INDY-ORP 27 lbsADJUSTABLE LEG INDY-ADLG 3 lbsOUTRIGGER (EA) INDY-OR 6.5 lbsPLATFORMS6’ PLATFORM INDY-WB6 29 lbsADDITIONAL PARTS6’ ARM BRACE INDY-B6 22 lbs5” CASTER REAR LOCK INDY-C5-1 4 lbsFRAME LOCK REPLACEMENT KIT INDY-FLK 1 lb8’ AND 10’ INDY UNITS AVAILABLE.UTILITY SCAFFOLDINDY U.S. SCAFFOLD6’ Indy Single Unit6’ Indy Double Unit with Guardrail and Outriggers26UTILITY SCAFFOLDPOWER SNAPPY - MOTORIZED WORK PLATFORMMODEL LMODEL L• Adjustable Heights from: 72” - 108” • Height is adjustable every 2” • Capacity: 500 lbs• Dimensions with Outriggers: 57” W x 80” L• Dimensions w/o Outriggers: 31” W x 60” L• Extensions and Outriggers can be removed• Enclosed gear box• Powder coated frame• Heavy duty 8” drive wheels• 5” Swivel Casters• Rechargeable Battery PackMODEL L SP-PWRL 475 lbsPOWER SNAPPY ADD-ON UNITConverts Model M to Model LCONVERSION KIT SP-PWMLK 175 lbsImprove Productivity - Manpower is enhanced over stepladders and standard scaffold in many cases by reducing the time wasted by moving devices and climbing up and down.Easy Transport - The Power Snappy can be broken down and transported in the back of a pickup truck, and can easily be moved by two people. It Fits - Move from floor to floor on multi-story buildings via elevator, and drive it right on through doorways. Something not possible to do with a scissor lift.Powerful Electric Motors - The Power Snappy is driven by two electric 24v hub motors, making it environmentally friendly. There’s no emissions and virtually no noise. Integrated Brake System - The brake system is an auto-locking. This means that when the throttle is off, the Snappy automatically has the brakes applied.Easy Charging - Easily charge the Snappy via a standard 110v wall outlet24v System - the Power Snappy runs off of 2 12v batteries in series. The battery pack is 35 amp/hr.Loaded with Safety features - Integrated lock-out switch, auto locking brake system, soft start and stop and complete guard rails are standard on all models. G-pin and snap pin technology secures the arm braces on the power snappy.Rear Locking BrakeRemovable KeyJoystick ControllerAlignment Pins27UTILITY SCAFFOLDPOWER SNAPPY - MOTORIZED WORK PLATFORMMODEL M• Adjustable heights from: 24” - 60”• Height is adjustable every 2”• Overall dimensions: 31” W x 60” L • Capacity: 500 lbs• Enclosed gear box• Powder coated frame• Heavy duty 8” wheels drive wheels• 5” Swivel casters• Rechargeable Battery PackMODEL M SP-PWRM 300 lbs Model M Shown at 3 different heights. The platforms are fully adjustable from 2 ft to up to a 5 ft.2 Ft.5 Ft.MODEL MThe Power Snappy takes up no more room than a standard 10’ ladder, and offers more safety plus mobility to complete the job faster and more efficiently. 286’ UTILITY SCAFFOLD6’ UTILITY SCAFFOLD MP-606 145 lbsOUTRIGGER SET MP-OR 25 lbsGUARD RAIL SET MP-GR 90 lbsROLL STOP SCAFFOLD BRAKE SYSTEMFits Snappy, Indy, and MP-606 Scaffolding.Meets or Exceeds OSHA Standards. Section 1926.452-(w) Mobile Scaffolds-(2-3)(2) Scaffold casters and wheels shall be locked with positive wheel and/or wheel and swivel locks, or equivalent means, to prevent movement of the scaffold while the scaffold is used in a stationary manner. (3) Manual force used to move the scaffold shall be applied as close to the base as practical, but not more than 5 feet (1.5m) above the supporting surface.Also see Section 1926.451-(f) Use-(5) - OSHA Construction Industry RegulationsROLL STOP BRAKE SYSTEM TSPG2 25 lbsSNAPPY JR. SNAPPY JR SP-4 70 lbs 4’ FOLDING SCAFFOLD 4’ FOLDING SCAFFOLD MF-4 65 lbs6’ Utility Scaffold4’ Folding ScaffoldADDITIONAL SCAFFOLDINTERNATIONAL AND LIGHT DUTYSnappy Jr.Roll Stop Scaffold BrakeNext >